Sunday we trecked up to Belmont Shores to visit friends and stopped @ a couple bars to enjoy all the football. I love when I get to spend the afternoon with people who without a doubt I always have a great time with... After a few beverages we headed home with a plan to make our own homemade pizzas

the sunset on the ride home was unreal! gotta love CA!
we ravaged Trader Joe's and created 2 amazing pizzas! This was so much fun, I had never made a pizza before. We made two; one our staple favorite of pineapple, pepperoni and jalapeno. And of course pizza sauce and mozerella cheese. @ trader joes they have pizza dough you can buy that is not pre-cooked, we got one plain and one garlic herb.. both were great!
and i guess its hard to tell cuz we thought it would be brilliant to put all the toppings on then cheese so it all stayed in... i thought it turned out well!
The other was a combo of all things delicious- chicken, pizza/ bbq sauce, mushrooms, bell peppers, pepperoni, onion, avocado- and that may be all I can remember. Oh and this was the garlic herb dough.
Anyways we stuck them on the BBQ and they were amazing... we did totally char the bottom of the pizzas but they were still sooo good. There will just have to be a couple alterations for our next go around!
I would love a slice of that bbq pizza right about now~